Marketing Your Lakefront Home
At Lakefront Living Realty, we take great pride in showcasing your lakefront home to a nationwide audience through multiple internet platforms and diverse media channels. The goal is to get lakefront buyers to find your property in whatever way they are most comfortable. Once they do, it needs to stand above the rest and provide an engaging and emotional connection to their wants & needs.
Buyers want photos. We provide 2 to 3 times as many photos than any other agency. Professional quality, panoramic & aerial views and lakefront spotlight.
Property highlighted as “featured listing” on the appropriate Lakefront Living Realty state site. Listing is featured in our lakefront e-newsletter sent to thousands of registered lakefront buyers.
Every lake home has a story. We create professional Ad copy unique to your property. We also ask that the homeowner provide a brief write-up on their personal lakefront living experience. Buyers respond to the emotional connection.
Virtual Tours inside & out by “Visual Tours”. Includes captivating information such as scrolling panoramic scenes, descriptive text, numerous photos, background music and location mapping.
Full Multiple Listing Service entry markets your home to thousands of licensed real estate professionals. Includes mobile solutions and “reverse match” emails.
Upgraded to a “Showcase Listing” on that allows full description, additional photos, advanced placement and multiple linking opportunities.
Featured on, a national lakefront property website having 50,000+ registered members, waiting to be notified about your property.
Blog post in “The Lake Guy’s Blog.” Automatically fed to Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter followers.
Posted on multiple social networking sites including our popular Lakefront Living Realty FAN page on Facebook.
Fun and engaging movie of your property that incorporates pictures and video set to music. Posted to YouTube for larger audience.
ANYONE who is searching for lakefront property in your area will know your home is on the market. The goal is to inform ALL buyers, get them emotionally connected and inspire showings.