Lake Warren


Lake Warren

Town(s): Alstead NH
County: Cheshire

Size: 195 acres
Average Depth: 5 feet
Maximum Depth: 10 feet

Boating Allowed: Kayaks, Canoes, Sail Boats, Electric Motor Boats, Power Boats, Jet-skis, State & Local Rules & Regulations Apply
Swimming: Unknown

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Vegetation Growth: Unknown
Non-native Species:

Fishing Comments: From Jan. 1 to March 31, the taking of black bass from 15 to 20 inches in length is prohibited. The daily limit of black bass is 3 fish, of which only one may be longer than 20 inches.

Boat Access: Unknown
Ramp Comments: ACCESS: gravel ramp.
Parking Spaces: Unknown

Directions: Directions: Rt 123 to Boat Landing Rd.
Shoreline Development: Unknown