Loon Pond


Loon Pond

Town(s): Hillsborough NH
County: Hillsborough

Size: 154 acres
Average Depth: 32 feet
Maximum Depth: 40 feet

Swimming: No Swimming Allowed

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Loon Pond is a natural, dimictic, oligotrophic lake with a small, man-made dam to improve water retention and to help direct water into the system intake. Loon Pond covers an area of 154 acres with a maximum depth of approximately 40ft, an average depth of approximately 32ft, and an approximate, calculated volume of 30 million gallons. The 10-year annual precipitation average for Hillsborough, NH is 45 inches, which has so far provided sufficient recharge for the source. Loon Pond supports a variety of aquatic life including warm water fish species such as Bass and Bluegill, cold water species such as Rainbow Trout, and is frequently visited by migrating waterfowl. This is indicative of high-quality surface waters, typically found in heavily forested watersheds. Because this is the town reservoir no swimming is allowed in the pond.

Vegetation Growth: Moderate
Non-native Species:

Fish Species: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Chain Pickerel, Rainbow Trout, Black Crappie, Yellow Perch, Brown Bullhead

Boat Access: Unknown
Parking Spaces: Unknown

Shoreline Development: 25-50%