Barrington NH
Average Depth:
Maximum Depth:
Boating Allowed:
Kayaks, Canoes, Sail Boats, Electric Motor Boats, Power Boats
Long Pond (NHLAK600030606-01) is located in Barrington, New Hampshire and is within the Coastal Basin. The 22.3-hectare (ha) dystrophic (brown colored, highly stained) lake has a maximum depth of 3.5 meters (m) (11.5 ft) and a mean depth of 1.1 m (3.6 ft). The lake volume is 253,948 cubic meters (m3 ) with a flushing rate of approximately 34 times per year. The watershed area is 1449 ha and is entirely within the Town of Barrington. Barrington, a town of 8,162, has experienced tremendous growth (338%) from 1970-2005 (ELMIB, 2007). Select characteristics of Long Pond and its watershed are presented in Table 2-1. Table 2-1. Characteristics of Long Pond, Barrington, NH. Parameter Value Assessment Unit Identification NHLAK600030606-01 Lake Area (ha) 22.3 Lake Volume (m3 ) 253,948 Watershed Area (ha) 1449 Watershed/Lake Area 65 Mean Depth (m, ft) 1.1, 3.6 Max Depth (m, ft) 3.5, 11.5 Flushing Rate (yr-1) 34 Epilimnetic TP (ug/L)1 25 Hypolimnetic TP (ug/L)1 40 Epilimnion TN: TP Ratio 28 Impaired Uses and Causes of Impairment2 Primary Contact Recreation: Chlorophyll a (5-M), Source Unknown Hypolimnetic Anoxia Yes.
Limited data exist for Long Pond. New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) conducted Lake Trophic Studies in 1988 and 1998 and monitored again in the summers of 2003-2005 to test whether the pond supported designated uses (NH DES, 1998). The mean, median and range of selected water quality parameters from each sampling location from the most recent data available (2003-2005) are summarized in Table 2-2. The only epilimnetic and hypolimnetic TP data available were from one summer sampling in 1998, therefore these historical data were included. The hypolimnion has low DO concentrations (< 1 mg/L) at depths below 3 m during the summer. Secchi disk transparencies (SDT) are also low, ranging from 1.0 to 1.6 m with a mean of 1.4 m. Chl a concentrations over this time period range from 6.6-17.2 µg/L. The epilimnetic TP concentration is 25 µg/L while the hypolimnetic TP concentration measured was 40 µg/L. The higher mean hypolimnetic TP concentrations and anoxic hypolimnion suggest that there is sediment release of TP during stratification in the summer. However, additional water quality monitoring should be performed to confirm this.
Water Quality:
Town/State Monitoring
Vegetation Growth:
Non-native Species:
Boat Access:
Primarily Car-top boats & Canoes
Parking Spaces:
Shoreline Development: