Jenkins Pond


Jenkins Pond

Town(s): Falmouth MA
County: Barnstable

Size: 87 acres
Average Depth: 27 feet
Maximum Depth: 51 feet

Boating Allowed: Kayaks, Canoes, Sail Boats, Electric Motor Boats, Gas Engines Prohibited, Horsepower or Speed Restrictions, See Comments
Boating Comments: No outboard motors are allowed. Only electric motors are permitted.
Swimming: Swimming Allowed, Some Restrictions

Jenkins Pond is a 87 acre natural kettlehole pond with an average depth of 27 feet and a maximum depth of 51 feet. Transparency is very good, extending to 18 feet, and aquatic vegetation is scarce. The bottom is composed of sand, gravel and rubble. The 2.1 miles of shoreline are heavily developed with residences except for a sandy beach at the northeastern end of the pond.

Water Quality: No Known Issues, Town/State Monitoring
Vegetation Growth: Minimal
Non-native Species: Unknown

Fishing Comments: Jenkins Pond has been stocked before 1947 with smallmouth bass, white perch, yellow perch and brown bullheads. A July 19, 1948 fisheries survey found smallmouth bass, yellow perch, white perch, golden shiners, white suckers, chain pickerel and banded killifish. Shoal areas of rubble on the north side of the pond offered excellent spawning habitat for smallmouth bass and anagement of the pond for smallmouth bass and white perch was recommended. This pond has not been thoroughly sampled since 1966, when a fisheries survey found seven species present: yellow perch, chain pickerel, pumpkinseed, golden shiner, killifish, brown bullhead and johnny darter. Catches of smallmouth bass and white perch (both stocked by the MDFW prior to 1947) and bluegills are regularly reported. Channel catfish (or possibly white catfish) have also reportedly been stocked here by unknown persons. Jenkins Pond offers good fishing for smallmouth bass and white perch in addition to the usual assortment of warmwater panfish. The best live bait (if you can find some) is grass shrimp, followed closely by nightcrawlers. Small spinners and light colored jigs are also proven producers for both bass and perch. Best fishing for bass is generally along the rubble-bottomed northern shore, particularly in the spring. The plateau areas around the mouths of the two western coves are good places to start jigging for perch.
Fish Species: Smallmouth Bass, Chain Pickerel, Yellow Perch, White Perch, Channel Catfish, White Catfish, Brown Bullhead, Sunfish, Bluegill, Golden Shiner

Boat Access: Primarily Car-top boats & Canoes
Ramp Comments: Public access is provided by a town right-of-way at the western edge of the pond off of Deepwood Drive. The launching site is suitable for canoes and cartop boats.
Parking Spaces: Less than 10

Directions: The pond is located to the northeast of Mares Pond and north of Sandwich Road. It can be reached by taking Route 151 or Route 28 to Sandwich Road, and Sandwich Road to Deepwood Drive.
Shoreline Development: 75-100%