Bourne MA, Plymouth MA
Barnstable, Plymouth
Local Name:
Lake Manomet
Average Depth:
Maximum Depth:
Boating Allowed:
Kayaks, Canoes, Sail Boats, Electric Motor Boats, Power Boats, State & Local Rules & Regulations Apply, Other Restrictions
Swimming Allowed, Some Restrictions
Water Quality:
Vegetation Growth:
Non-native Species:
Eurasian Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum Spicatum)
Fishing Comments:
The pond offers good smallmouth bass and white perch fishing. Try off the points on the eastern shore and also
the two sunken islands near the pond’s center. Abundant forage from the Bourndale herring run translates into good growth
rates for gamefish and panfish. Two artificial tire reefs were installed in 1975 to provide additional fish shelter. However
this may also make the gamefish a little harder to catch during the summer months when schools of young-of-year herring
are readily available.
Fish Species:
Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Chain Pickerel, Yellow Perch, White Perch, Brown Bullhead, Sunfish, Golden Shiner, White Sucker, American Eel
Boat Access:
Primarily Car-top boats & Canoes
Ramp Comments:
A state ramp, located in Bourne and operated by the Office of Fishing & Boating Access, is
on the southern end of the pond. The ramp is unimproved and enters shallow water. Therefore it is best suited for canoes
and other shallow-draft boats. Larger shallow-draft boats, like bass boats, can be launched with a four-wheel drive vehicle.
Parking is available for about 6 vehicles.
Parking Spaces:
Less than 10
From the South: Take Route 6 to Herring Pond Road and head north. Take a left onto Little Sandy Pond
Road. The access will be visible immediately to your right on the pond’s southern tip. From the North: Take Route 3 south
to Exit 2 and take a left onto Herring Pond Road heading south for about 2½ miles. You will be able to see portions of the
water on the left. At the southern end of the pond take a right onto Little Sandy Pond Road.
Shoreline Development: