Indian Lake


Indian Lake

Town(s): Worcester MA
County: Worcester

Size: 193 acres
Average Depth: 10 feet
Maximum Depth: 26 feet

Boating Allowed: Kayaks, Canoes, Sail Boats, Electric Motor Boats, Power Boats, Jet-skis, State & Local Rules & Regulations Apply
Swimming: Swimming Allowed, Some Restrictions

Click to visit this lake's association site!

Indian Lake is a part of the head waters of Blackstone River. It is the largest body of water located completely within the City of Worcester. The lake size is 193 acres with a mean depth of about 10.7 feet, with 2 public swim beaches, picnic and recreation areas and 2 public boat ramps. The Indian Lake Watershed Association [ILWA] was formed in 1985 and now has a membership of 300+. ILWA has been instrumental in getting certain areas sewered, dredging a portion of the lake and has lobbied against land taking for I-190. The ILWA board meets monthly and the association meets several times per year. It keeps its 300+ members informed with a semiannual newsletter. Indian Lake is a major recreation area and includes such activities as sailing, swimming, fishing and tennis. There are many beaches and parks around the lake, some of them maintained in part by the Indian Lake Watershed Association. Through public education of factors that effect eutrophication, Indian Lake will remain an attraction for the enjoyment of future generations. There are two public beach facilities on Indian Lake: Indian Lake Beach and Shore Park. They are both open seasonally from July 1st through August 14th from noon to 7pm. These facilities are staffed with lifeguards and restroom facilities are open during this time only. The Indian Lake Watershed Association has consistently looked for ways to manage weed growth without the use of chemical treatments. Approximately ten years ago, upon recommendation from Lycott Environmental, the ILWA gained support for an annual drawdown at Indian Lake. While several levels have been tried, the most success is seen when the level is lowered five feet vertical as it has been consistently for several years. The water level is lowered in November by opening the gates near Rt. 190 which lead to the Blackstone Canal. Approximately half the lake bottom is exposed until the gates are closed in mid February. Exposed weeds are killed by the cold and remaining weeds are usually pulled up as the ice breaks up.

Water Quality: No Known Issues, Town/State Monitoring
Vegetation Growth: Moderate
Non-native Species: Eurasian Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum Spicatum)

Fish Species: Largemouth Bass, Northern Pike, Black Crappie, Carp, Yellow Perch, White Perch, Brown Bullhead, Yellow Bullhead, Sunfish, Bluegill, Golden Shiner, White Sucker

Boat Access: Access for Power and Non-power Boats
Ramp Comments: A paved boat-launching ramp is provided for public access on Route 122A (also known as Grove Street). The area can accommodate approximately 25 cars. Public swimming prohibited at ramp.
Parking Spaces: 21-40

Directions: Route 290 to exit 19 Route 190, take exit 1 at Ararat Street immediately, left off ramp, left on Holden Street, left on Grove Street, to boat ramp.
Shoreline Development: 50-75%